Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted Linky!!

Scentsy Time...

Scentsy is doing GREAT stuff again... For the month of April, they offering any host that reaches $150 or more on a party a chance to buy bricks...you read that right, BRICKS...they are back for hostess only and ONLY for the month of April. 
The college warmers are still on sale, but for the month of March ONLY and you better get them while they last....there are several schools that have already been sold out for the special discounted price. Contact me for a full list of discontinued warmers. 
Finally, if you would like to join my email list, please leave me a message with your email address and I will add you. Also, please like my Facebook page for the latest Scentsy information!!! 

Oh wow, where do I start...as most of you have learned from reading my blog, I adore my sweet little girl and she always does things that make me laugh. Today was no different. For starters, I am raising my husband's offspring, that is for sure...she LOVES television (this is not me). With that said, she wants to watch her TV all the time, which includes in the car (I know, Mother of the  Year!!!) Anyway, today was no different, we were driving around town and she was watching Lion King. We got home later and were sitting on the bed and she looked at me and licked her thumb and wiped it on my head...it took a few times and me looking at her like she was cray cray, before I realized she was saying, "like Simba, Mama!!!" She was acting out the part in the movie where they wipe the clay across Simba's forhead....hahahaha....she cracks me up....

Now for the linky!!! 

I am joining with Latoya at Flying into First Grade for this fun linky!!! The goal is to get to know other bloggers. This is the first of many more to come and I am supposed to tell you a little about myself using my initials...ALS!!! So, here we go.....


A- I love being artsy and crafty!!! I can stay on Pinterest for hours and never get bored. I am that person that will see something and not spend the money on it because I think I can make it myself...the only problem is, TIME, so things don't usually come to fruition:(

L- Laughing....I love to laugh with my baby girl, husband, sisters, friends...let's face it, anyone!!! Laughing is medicine for the soul. If I am in a bad mood, all I have to do is laugh and things are all better. 

S- Scrapbook paper...not just any scrapbook paper, but digital scrapbook paper, ok, ok, ok, I like any kind of scrapbook paper. The kicker is that I don't scrapbook, I mean I have a lot of tools to scrapbook with, but I don't scrapbook. I am more of what you would call a collector:) 

Leave me a voicemail, I would love to hear from you!!! I hope you all have a lovely day and until we chat again, make every moment lovely!!!!


  1. Hi Abby,
    I too love scrapbook paper...all kinds and also find that I rarely actually scrapbook. Oh well! And I love that you love laughing... good one :)

    Crayons and Whimsy

  2. Hi Abby,
    I am a huge fan of Pinterest too! So many great ideas!

    Charming in Third
    I don't know how to link in my URL yet :(

  3. I can totally get lost in Pinterest too! I'm the opposite...I don't like to spend time to do things myself. I would rather have someone do it for me, ha!

    For the Love of First Grade

  4. Hi
    I love to laugh too, I agree it is medicine for the soul. Laughter has helped get through some tough days.
